


Consumer insight, product research and experience are the three ingredients necessary for a sales article, which like a frame around a painting should direct the attention toward the product.
This shop display unit was designed for products associated with swimming. The handrails above the simulated diving board are standard teaching woggles.

'Drive your Skill' a slice of a giant golf ball with lights. An eye catching sales gimmick in a department store (with concept sketch).
The 'Tee ball' designed for selling used balls in the pro shop collected by the green keepers on the golf course.
Tennis balls 'in the net' are not always a bad thing, this sales unit also displays balls in the Perspex legs.
The 'Pulley Station', to display t-shirts in a sport shop in the weight training section.


Valueable advertising and display column design.


Show window units for this jewellery shop were a quandary until the last moment; this solution was found during an informal friendly lunch meeting with the clients.

The 'Vortex' unit gives extra intrigue to the side window on the corner of the building not before considered exciting by previous tenants. Vortex seen from inside the shop.
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